Last week was a pretty good week except for another unfortunate encounter with heartburn that kept me up nearly all night on Tuesday night.
My Husband is working from home now so it's been nice to be able to see him more often. On Monday we drove down to the the Gardens Mall for a little day date and it was nice to get out of the house. We shopped around a little and then went to Whole Foods. We don't have a Whole Foods close by our house so every time we go to West Palm we always go there. We ate lunch there and I got a vegan pizza with olives and onions. Soooo good!
The rest of the week I spent just relaxing and thinking about all the things I have to do before our little man gets here in September. I think my nesting instincts are kicking in because I have the sudden urge to make lists for absolutely everything! Now I just need to little by little accomplish all the things on those lists!
The agenda for today is to clean up the house, work on some sewing projects and clean the floor in the baby room. That way sometime this week we can lay the wood laminate flooring and by next week I can start decorating/ organizing all the baby's things! So excited for this step!
I also printed up a list of all the things you need for a newborn and checked off what we have already. We probably have less than half of the things on the list so far but the ones left are are mostly the small things like burp clothes, shampoo, etc.
I'm also going to try to start blogging more than once a week! I don't have much of an excuse now that I'm not working. ;)
Here's a short recap on last week and a belly shot:
- Weight gained: total so far is around 15 - 16 lbs
- Cravings: grilled cheese (soy cheese), cherries, buttermilk biscuits
- Belly button: officially an outie most of the time
- Swelling: fortunately I haven't noticed any unless I'm walking when its hot out, my hands swell a little
- Workouts: two, one pool day and one walking day
- Currently reading: Natural Childbirth the Bradley Method Way
Have a blessed week!
xoxo Jessenia + Baby Boy