Hello everyone! I know I have been super lame and have not blogged in ages but school has literally taken over my life. Even to the extent that I haven't been going to the gym and have been staying home studying and eating! Hence, the title lol. But all is well now because it's Spring Break!!! I am beyond excited about this week break because I get to relax and slow down a little bit. Considering the fact that I do not want to keep carrying this "food baby" I decided to do a cleanse this week and only eat fruits and veggies and whole grain pasta and/or rice and lots and lots of water. Sometimes it is good to just cleanse our bodies of all the junk we put into it.
Today is my first day and I started it off with a Green Monster. Yummmm. Mine consisted of:
- 1 cup rice milk
- 1 big handful of spinach
- 5 strawberries
- 2 tablespoons oats
I'll have to say that it was rather delightful but tomorrow I think I need to put more oats or add a banana to make it a little more filling.
I'm also not having coffee this week in an attempt to ween myself off of it. First day and I feel very tired... My eyes feel droopy and I have a slight headache. Ohhh the life of an addict. But I'm sticking to my guns and drinking lots of H2O. Today for lunch I had a salad with lots of veggies and a Smart Water.
After work I'm going to the farmer's market to get fruits and vegetables galore. It's going to be a good week :) I hope you all enjoy your weekend!
Have you ever felt like you were having a food baby?
xoxo Jessenia
That salad looks really good. Hope you enjoy your spring break!!