It's a beautiful day in South Florida today, super sunny and hot! I love it :)
Today I went with my friend Matt to get some soil for my new garden box so I could plant some new veggies. We went to a horse ranch where he used to work and he shoveled a bunch of soil/ horse poo poo into the bed of his truck. So glad I didn't have to do that part!
He helped me fill up my new garden box that my husband, Johnny made for me and then I ventured off to Lowe's for some new seeds. I picked out some vegetables that I really like - onions, spinach, zucchini, peas, and then some sunflower mixed seeds. I also got some little pink flowers for decoration.
When I got home I put on my hat and went out to start gardening. I just downloaded Taylor Swift's new album and I can't stop listening to it. I listened to it while I gardened and felt like a real southern girl. haha.
I sectioned off all my different plots for different seeds and guesstimated on the spacing. I'm not much for following the rules so we'll see what happens when they start sprouting up. ;)
I also planted my sunflower and some more zinnias in addition to the zinnias I planted last weekend in my front planter. They are already sprouting up!
I am completely obsessed with this. :) It's so fun seeing new growth everyday. A beautiful reminder of God's amazing creation.
Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!!
xoxo Jessenia
Good hobby. Most of the people have fond of the gardening. But they have no experience. But there your friend helped you. That's Pleasant.