Sunday, April 22, 2012

20 Weeks

I can't believe the halfway mark is finally here. I remember reading other blogs at the beginning of my pregnancy and thinking 20 weeks sounded so far away and yet it's here already.

This hasn't been a particularly exciting week and I'm finding myself getting more and more antsy for work to be over. My last day is in the first week of June and I cannot wait. I've also been feeling really behind and as a mentioned in my previous post. I need to make a to-do list to get myself a little more motivated.

One thing the husband and I have been working on is getting the baby's room ready. First the floor needs to be cleaned since the cats litter was in the room. Then the walls need to be painted and the floors done with wood laminate. We started the cleaning and already bought the paint. I'm hoping this can all get done before my mom comes to visit in June so that we can start decorating! That I am looking forward to!

I'm also thinking I need to make goals for myself each week so I can stay busy and get some much needed things done. This week my goals are to:
  • workout at least 3 times (I've been super lazy the past few weeks and I'm not liking the flab accumulating on my legs because of it! lol)
  • read more 
  • make a baby to-do list

I think those seem like some pretty achievable goals and once I compile a list I can get going on accomplishing the items on that list. 

Here's a quick update:
  • Weight gained: 2 lbs 
  • Workouts: 0, hence the working out goal 
  • Movement: so much! This baby boy loves to kick and squirm 
  • Cravings: back to nature chocolate chip cookies.. mmmmm
  • How I'm feeling: a little tired but over all pretty great!

Here's what I look like at 20 weeks 1 day:

Well that's all I have. Sorry for such a short post. Hopefully next week I'll be telling you about all the awesome things I accomplished! ;) Have a blessed week!

xoxo Jessenia + Baby Boy 

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I am so looking forward to summer so I can get everything done! Good Luck! :)
